Homestay in Japan Online Course 【Beginner to intermediate level】

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What will you learn?

You will learn basic Japanese grammar, counters, greetings and vocabulary.


You will be able to listen and comprehend conversations encountered in daily life and generally follow their contents, provided that they are spoken slowly. That way, you can communicate with your host family and friends. You will be able to read and understand passages on familiar daily topics written in basic vocabulary and kanji.

※Printing the online Japanese PDF supplemental resources.


The “Homestay in Japan Online Course” is intended for beginner to intermediate level students. Through the use of video materials, learners will study a variety of grammar used in daily life, in addition to a little bit of Japanese culture.
Note: some of the contents does NOT come with romaji. If you already enrolled in other online courses, some of the contents are the same.

10 common Japanese phrases when eating
Dietary restrictions
Ordering food at a restaurant
Ordering fast-food

Essential greetings (Polite)
10 Essential greetings (Casual)
Different responses to genki?
Useful phrases when meeting new people

<Japanese Culture>
11 useful Japanese phrases when visiting someone’s house
Japanese style room, how to wear the Yukata, How to bath in big public baths

Useful phrases when you have a problem or concern.
Expressions for when you do not understand something.
Phrases when an earthquake happens

<Before and after arriving Japan>
Writing an email to your host family
Asking for directions

7 Useful phrases when shopping.
Shopping at the supermarket, department store and convenience store
Shopping at a clothing store/boutique
Souvenir shopping in Japan

<Talking to host family>
Getting to know my host family/friends
Requesting something
Asking for permission

Long Vowels
Pronunciation of ん and っ
Pronunciation of letters combined with ゃ,ゅ or ょ
Accent and intonation

Useful Kanji for travelers.
Numbers (0-1000)
Numbers (1000-1 million)
Year, Month, Week and Date
Counters (Part 1) (個、冊、匹、本、台、枚)
Counters (Part 2) (人、番、歳、着、回、~つ)
Counters (Part 3) (足、曲、軒、階、杯)

<N5 Grammar>
Verbs  casual negative, short form negative (ないNai-form)
Verbs casual past, short form past (たTa-form)
Verbs casual past negative, short form negative past
The conjugation rule of the い/i adjective negative tense
The conjugation rule of the い/i adjective past negative tense
The conjugation rule of the い/i adjective past tense
The conjugation rule of the な/na adjective negative tense
The conjugation rule of the な/na adjective past negative tense
The conjugation rule of the な/na adjective past tense
Particle yaや, A yaや BA and B, for example

<N4 Grammar>
The conjugation rule of the potential verb (can, be able to)
The conjugation rule of the volitional verb (Let’s)
The conjugation rule of the ば forms (If)
The conjugation rule of the passive verb
The conjugation rule of the causative verb (make/let someone do something)
The conjugation rule of the causative-passive verb (I was made to do something)


Who is this suitable for?

  • Learners who want to communicate with native Japanese people/host family
  • Learners who plan to homestay in Japan for studying and sightseeing
  • Learners who understand English and whose native language is not Japanese
  • Learners who want to improve from beginner to intermediate Japanese
  • Learners who will take JLPT N5 or N4 exam in the near future.
  • Learners who want to be proficient in conversational Japanese


General terms and conditions for online and taught courses

How it works?

Step 1 : Apply for the online course

Step 2 : You will receive an email (within 2 working days)

Step 3:  Please pay your course fee

Step 4 : Japanese Tutor, Ayana will send you password

Step 5 : You can access Studying and homestay in Japan (Online Video Course) page with the password. Get started to learn Japanese!!


NZD 60.00-

Payment Option
– Bank Transfer to ANZ Bank
– Credit Card payment via Paypal

Published by Tekuteku Nihongo

ニュージーランドで日本語教室”Auckland Japanese Tutor"運営。日本語教師歴10年。学生や社会人向けに間接法にて日本語を教え、過去2000名の外国人学習者を支援。ビジネス初心者のフリーランス日本語教師や日本語の先生で副業・起業したい方向けに個別相談を提供中。

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